A Partner's Role, Helping with Breastfeeding
Easy ways your partner can help with the duties of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is a family practice, everyone may need to pitch in. Even...

Paced Bottle Feeding is for Everyone
Paced Bottle Feeding has become a widely known practice to help babies transition from breast to bottle, then back to breast again. It...

When and How to Wean Your Toddler
As a Private Practice Lactation Consultant it's my job to make breastfeeding as easy as possible. I get the baby latched, comfortable,...

What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag (And 3 Important Things You Didn't Think About!)
Things are getting real! It's time to pack the hospital bag! You will be packing for three (unless your partner wants to pack their own...

How to Thrive in The Newborn Stage From an IBCLC
Enjoy the whirlwind of the first few weeks instead of feeling like you are barely surviving- Thrive!

Ten Activities That Will Occupy Your Toddler While You Nurse Your Newborn
That thought hits you all through your pregnancy, the fear of keeping two alive. Heck, even just keeping them HAPPY! How do you split you...

Make Your Free Breastfeeding Plan
I am a Virgo, planning flows through me and makes me feel in control. I meticulously searched every template for birth plans. I read all...

Tongue & Lip Ties
Tongue Ties explained and what your options are. Includes links to research and explanations on the process with an IBCLC, Bodyworker and Di

Is My Baby Getting Enough Milk?
Is My Baby Getting Enough Milk? When you’re breastfeeding, it can be hard to know whether your baby is getting enough milk. Especially if...

Milk Blisters, Clogs and Mastitis, Oh My!
Milk Blisters, Clogs and Mastitis, Oh My! Before I ever breastfed, I knew that you should call a lactation consultant if your nipples...